A s part of the holiday season, SUNY Empire State College-Cheektowaga campus, led
by Dr. Rhianna C. Rogers, Regional Operations Coordinator Jane Cudmore, and local F.U.N.
committee reps co-organized a month-long food drive and gift donation for WNY families in
need. This year, we partnered with the Buffalo City Mission-Cornerstone Manor,
WEDI/Westside Bazaar, and CARES (College Achievement Requires Engaged Students) WNY student club via their holiday “Adopt a Family” program.
For the entire month of December, students, faculty, administrators, and staff collected
non-expired canned goods, holiday gifts, and cakes and cookies to give all three causes. In total, SUNY Empire donated 100 lbs of food, clothing, shoes, and toys to each cause.
As Buffalo City Mission Senior Volunteer Coordinator Cassandra Calhoun stated “Thank you so very much, Dr. Rogers [and SUNY Empire State College –Cheektowaga campus] for your
holiday food donations! We are truly so grateful for your partnership and bringing additional
holiday cheer to the ladies and children this Holiday Season! These baked goods will make such a difference and bring such JOY!”
As WEDI/Westside Bazaar Education Director Courtney Yonce stated “Thank you so much for the clothing, food, and book donations. We think this is wonderful! It will help so many families that we serve who are in need.”
As part of this drive, CARES students also collected items for a student in need via their "Adopt a Family" program. One family in need in WNY was selected to recieve gifts from their holiday "wish list." As Dr. Rhianna C. Rogers stated, “Engaging with the WNY community is a crucial part of SUNY Empire State College’s mission. As members of higher education, we have the ability to help future generations of learners. Helping others during the holidays shows our commitment to community success. Joining forces with important community leaders and NGOs is a great way to help our community together.”